Secrets About Ghost Is About To Be Revealed !

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Today we will explore something really interesting about this fishy Topic...

Today we are going to talk about the Unexplored topics which are ghosts and paranormal activities.

You will be get to know about the science behind the ghost and personally, this helped me to spread knowledge about these paranormal activities to children.

Paranormal is a phenomenon that exists beyond the normal scientific understanding.

Hence it is a controversial topic, which we will be exploring in depth from a religious and scientific perspective.

All around the world above 40% of people claim that there is a ghost, further 20% of people claim that they have seen the ghost.

During ancient times, There was a huge belief in the presence of ghosts.

This is due to a lack of scientific knowledge.

And in that period, People were very much devotional towards God.

As a result, Many scientists were killed as their research is contrary to normal people's beliefs.

Some of the scientists have claimed that there is no other world above or under our earth, Earth is not flat, There are no ghosts, etc.

But in Christianity, it is firmly that there is heaven above the sky and hell under the earth and a strong belief in ghosts.

These theories could not be accepted by the majority of the people and hence they killed many of the scientists.

Because of this, the other scientists became very afraid to express their ideas.

And also we could not say that they are wrong, Because people follow what their religion taught them.

This is one of the reasons for the belief in ghosts.


Have you ever noticed? Most of the Believers of ghosts are Religious People.

Hinduism and Buddhism extremely believe in REINCARNATION.

Whereas Christianity and Islam believe that after death the soul will be expelled from the body and roam in this world.


 People following Hinduism firmly believe that Ghosts are related to people who had unnatural deaths like murder, accident, etc...

If the dead people were not given a Proper Ritual according to Hinduism, Then they will become ghosts.

But if they had given a proper Hindu ritual the ghost would leave this earth.


From Islam's perspective, Jinn has considered supernatural and malevolent creatures and it lives in dark places.

It is believed that Jinn's body will be full of flame or vapour. Further, it will be in the form of animals.

The Quran has allocated a whole Chapter for Jinn which is Surah-al-jinn (chapter 32).

The reason behind the name "jinn" has come from the belief that they were hidden from the eyes of mankind.


According to the Christian people, When some Dies they will be going to hell or heaven or even purgatory(Halfway house).

This depends upon what are the good and bad things done by a particular person during their life.

The ghosts are exaggerated as demons.

Trying to contact these ghosts is strictly forbidden. But it is no longer followed today.


Both the Tibetan and Indian Buddhists believe in ghosts.

It is said that Hungry ghosts have a big belly and tiny mouth which is not enough to fill their Hungry Stomach.

Tulpa is a type of ghost created by mental power, purely by the thought of the creator.

A well-skilled Buddhist practitioner has the ability to create Tulpa in their mind.

These are some of the religious beliefs about ghosts.

Many religions other than this have a strong belief in Ghosts.

According to their religious teachings and books, ghosts are portrayed differently.

Having said many religious Perspectives about Ghosts, let us now see what is the perspective of science.


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During our childhood, while we are sleeping in our bed, we fear that there is a ghost under our bed.

Could you remember this crazy experience?

Have you ever noticed that the feel of seeing ghosts is experienced only during nighttime?

This is because whenever we see an object in the absence of light, our brain tends to associate the objects with the memory stored in our brain.

At this time our brain declares the object as an unspecified thing i.e ghost which is embedded in our brain from the stories of our mom, Grandma, friends, news, social media, urban legends, etc...

Various stories, superstitions wired in our brain are responsible for this disassociation. 

First of all Science claims that ghosts are not real, this is due to the lack of evidence and materials.

Generally, people encountering ghosts will be associated with locations like unused rooms, lifts, inside the car, etc...

The location varies for each person.

Further analysing these locations, it is found that the Concentration of Carbon Monoxide Gas is higher in those particular locations.

When there is no ventilation of air in a closed space the concentration of oxygen decreases.

As a result, the concentration of carbon or carbon dioxide increases, due to fission reaction carbon monoxide is formed.

This gas is slightly poisonous.

When the concentration of Carbon Monoxide increases in a room, we'll feel as if someone is pushing on our chest leading to small breathlessness and also leads to hallucination in our brain which is the reason for seeing a ghost-like illusion.

This Carbon monoxide is used in hospitals for anesthesia purposes, but a higher concentration of CO (Carbon monoxide) may lead to death.

This is the reason for people's death, but many of us are misunderstood as the ghost killed the person.

The reason for the hallucination of ladies feeling something unnatural while they are cooking is due to the combustion of gas which reduces the percentage of oxygen and increases the percentage of  CO.

After reading this blog if your friends or family or even someone comes to you and said that "I saw a ghost"

Don't tease them instead go to the place along with them where they have encountered a ghost and see there is ventilation around the place.

If not open all the doors and windows to allow the fresh air to enter into that place and ask them to tell how they are feeling now?

There will be no more feelings of paranormal activities.

Ghost stories are lots of fun, Just enjoy it and don't take it as seriously.

We can see numerous creepy photos and videos roaming on the internet, which stimulates our brain to believe that ghosts exist.

After knowing all the science behind Ghosts, then why are people interested in watching scary movies?

It is due to the secretion of dopamine hormone in our brain while watching scary movies.

And our brain tends to expect this secretion and it will be released again and again in the other thrilling scenes.


Further, some televisions are also talking about this topic very seriously by testing with specialized equipment for measuring the spirit and paranormal activity.

Even some of the people are saying that they are speaking with ghosts.

It sounds funny right. It is our responsibility to remove these kinds of superstitions.

I wonder if these things were widely believed by many of us even today while we are well grown in technology and acquired enormous knowledge in the field of science.

Whatever explanations, concepts, etc..we gave, even today while walking on the sides of Graveyard in the night is a bit Frightening because the emotion" Fear" is strongly embedded in our mind.

Just live, enjoy life, and barter the knowledge.

And, If you have ever seen a Ghost , Let me know in the comment section below. Meet you in the next blog until spread positivity and stay connected❣️

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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