The Definitive Guide To Get Six Packs Quickly (The Truth Is Out Now!)

Six packs

Hi all, Today we are going to explore about How to get six-packs in a very short time! 

We have seen many bodybuilders and models having these six-packs and we'll be thinking of ourselves as having six-packs in our dream. 

Here are the topmost tips from the experts to convert your six-pack dream to reality.

Personally I had learnt about any factors and tips in order to built six packs in a healthy way.

Let's dive right in:

First of all, the six-packs are formed in the muscle called as rectus abdominis. 

The important thing is, it is a single muscle!. Depending upon your genetics, it will be a six-pack or even eight-pack! 

These partitions were naturally present in our bodies for everyone in this world. 

But the challenge is how to protrude them! 

It is something we can do with a little bit of knowledge in exercise and diet. 

When I say diet, Don't think like eating only specific food or drinking this much water, etc...

And I too hate the word diet because of the misconceptions spread by the people. But Diet is what we eat!

Only One concept will help you to attain Six Packs without harming your body. And it is "Progressive   Dieting"

First of all, you'll need some of the components and a little bit of confidence and patience to get six-packs. 

When I say that you have to spend money don't think of it as Cost, consider it as an Investment for your physique. 

Don't miss out on the upcoming ideas and read them with your full attention.


1) Digital Body weight scale

2) Food weighing scale

And the other one is a Calorie tracking app which is available in vast numbers in the play store or App Store. 

But do some research and download a genuine calorie tracking app.

Body Fat Percentage:

Whatever may be your weight, whether 50,60, or 70 kg. It doesn't matter, If you are planning to get six-packs in a short period, You have to do weight loss first.

At first, your body fat percentage should remain between 13-15%.

 You can reduce your body fat percentage by following these steps and some exercises:


The first exercise is running and most of us hate running right? But if you wish to see good results then try this. 

At first jog with some of your friends who want to join with you. Never force someone!

If no one is coming with you, then do it alone. I don't want to say all the benefits of running because they are endless! 

And it is one of the powerful exercises to activate your whole body. And if you want to know how to start running then check out here: How running could improve your health?

And If you hate running like me, then the best exercise to reduce body fat is by Walking! 

This could give good results, not in the level of physique but also helps to stay healthy in a long run.

If you don't wanna do these exercises and ask for a minimalistic and effective exercise. It is none other than yoga. 

And if you have a good park or some quiet places in your surroundings do some Yoga to reduce body fat.

Remember, a study said that 80% of our body fat is burned by breathing! Shocking Right? 

So try to find some time to do some yogic postures. 

Yoga not only helps to have a good physique but also helps to bring our monkey mind to rest.


The next thing is, you have to work hard to achieve these three goals, They are:

1) Maintaining strength

2)Lose weight 0.5 kg per week

3) Repeat till 13% Body fat



If you are accessible to the gym, Then start doing weight training first. 

Then try to maintain the strength in the compound workouts. 

And if you are not yet gone to the Please get a membership and just join in a gym. 

Then you have to maintain the strength, intensity and time of the workout when you start to cut our calorie.

For example, if you are doing 50 pushups on normal days, Continue this even in your calories deficit stage.

This will help you to achieve muscle retain and reduce the fat percentage. 

If we miss out to maintain this strength-maintaining component, then we'll become weak. So be conscious of it.


Weight loss

You may ask that "why I should lose 0.5 kg per week? does it do some magic?"

No!, Not like that. When you lose weight gradually without any hurry, it will help you to retain your muscles healthily.

If you try to lose weight at high speed,  your fat will be reduced, Along with that your muscles will also be dissolved! Slow and steady wins the race!


Burn fat

This body fat percentage helps you to achieve descent six-packs, But if you have planned to compete in the competitions, etc... Then you  can go up to 8%

Warning: No one should try to reduce below 8℅ except the bodybuilders and trained people!

These are the supporting factors of fitness to get six packs:



You can use the calorie-tracking apps to find the maintenance calorie, Protein intake, nutritional facts about your food, etc...

Fat is stored by your body and it is dissolved to provide energy when there is no food intake. 

It is the reason why your body shreds when you don't eat anything.

And if you want to know how much gram of proteins should you take? 

The answer is [Body weight(in kg)× 2] or [Body weight(in pounds) ×0.36]. 

And this the answer to how much gram of protein you should intake per day.

One thing I want to say is.....Stay away from junk food! 

Yeah, I too got very much bored by saying this thing repeatedly.

But if you are strict to lead a healthy life, Just don't eat junk foods. 

Instead, eat what your mother serves you. 

And if your mother gives a burger or some kind of fast food in the morning, Then give tons of advice and show this blog to her. Jokes Apart, just Push yourself!



One of the most underrated factors in our life is Sleep. Our body needs some rest because of working continuously in the morning.

And also the important factor is that the Recovery of muscles will take place when you sleep.

The quality of your sleep matters and quantity depends upon each one of us. 

It is the time when our brain balances the secretion of hormones. 

And this is the most important factor to get six-packs.

Next when you are triggered to reach your phone at night, Remember the benefits of sleep and throw your phone to another room in your home.

So that you'll be waking up to turn off the alarm which is in another room. 

By doing this, Your sleepy body wakes up! 

Try this thing if you are a Snoozer like me. Sleep deficiency affects your thyroid gland which regulates the burning of calories. 

As a result, If you do cardio and follow the diet perfectly and missed out on sleep, and wake up at the correct time, then the chances of getting a six-pack are difficult for you. 

And if you wanna build a Successful habit of waking up early and thinking to implement this to do your daily routine then check out here:  The Power Of Waking Up At 5 AM!


Try to do some cardio to calories per session. You can do the treadmill, stair climbing, Cycling, Swimming, etc...It depends on your body. 

Then analyse how your body reacts, according to that, Adjust your cardio and calorie intake.

Do your cardio at the same intensity and sessions during your calorie deficit.  

And this factor also completely depends on your choice. Or you can also indulge in sports activities. 

This cardio exercise will healthily help in fat loss.


1) Hanging leg raise

2) Crunches

3) Cross Crunches

These are the important exercise which helps you to attain good results in a short period.


If you have planned to strictly follow these points and exercises, the chance of getting a six-pack is higher!

The important thing is "Patience", you have to give some time and good recovery for your body and wait for the response from your body. 

The process of shredding and getting six-packs varies for each one of us. So have patience, surely you will get the results!

And if you had ever tried to get six packs and got it.

Tell me in the comment sections below about your diet, workout sessions, exercises, etc... So that people will be benefited by your suggestions. 

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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