Cryonics : Weird Science Of Cheating Death

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Evolution had made numerous changes and gave us life-changing inventions.

Today the medical field is also growing exponentially.

A huge revolution is going to take place in the future.

Well, today we are going to see about cryonics and the other two technology that cheats the death!

Shocking right?

I was shocked to know about these kinds of technologies, and I've written this article in-depth with the help of many research papers and magazines.

Let's dive right in:


Let us build a good understanding of your body before entering into cryonics.

If I ask you, "who you are ?"

Probably you say your name.

When I ask, "where your vitality is present in your body?"

You couldn't say your whole body is the place of your vitality right?

Even after your death, your body will be there.

But the one thing that indicates our death is "Consciousness"

Your consciousness is your vitality.

Consciousness is the data in your brain.

All these data were present inside your neurons.

Despite flesh, we all are just data(memories)!

I could write this article because of the data stored in my brain which I had read in many research papers.

By the way, this helps you to understand some concepts of cryonics, so keep this in your mind aside.

Basically, what is the reason for death?

People die because of the malfunction or failure of a particular organ due to their age.

If someone dies because of lung cancer, their lungs were only affected.

All other organs were good.

According to cryonics, it is the technology that stores a recently deceased human body in cold conditions.

Like we store vegetables in our refrigerator to prevent decay.

Once the medical technology is developed in the future, they will cure that particular organ's failure and bring their life back!

Cryonics is a kind of scientific search for immortality.

Does technology have the power to bring us back to life?

We are going to take a deep dive into the world of cryonics.

A unique and revolutionary process in technology that is working on preserving and reviving people after their death.

Sounds like an idea out of a sci-fi movie, doesn't it?

Despite how unreal it sounds, the reality is that this technology is being developed and we might soon be able to enter into the world of cryogenics ourselves and wake up sometime in the future.

This is real incident clearly explains cryonics.

An American girl had been diagnosed with cancer in her childhood.

She could only live for few years, So was very much depressed.

She wrote her feelings and thoughts about her disease and posted them on Reddit.

On seeing her post, the organization which does cryonics contacted her and encouraged her to register herself to cryonics.

But she has to pay a high amount of dollars.

Even though she didn't have much money, people worldwide raised funds online and helped her register for cryonics.

After 2 minutes of her death, the whole process was started.

Some kind of procedure is done to protect her body.

Basically, 80% of human cells are mostly water.

When you bring the temperature of the water below 0 degrees Celcius, the cells get damaged.

So the process called vitrification is done to the deceased body which prevents the cells from crystallizing, which leads to the death of the cells.

Three types of chemicals were injected into her blood to prevent her blood from freezing.

As we all know, nitrogen prevents substances from decay, her entire body was preserved in a stainless steel capsule which is filled with nitrogen.

Her body was frozen at an icy temperature of -196°C!

Her brain was also preserved by a special chemical.

Once the medical field develops and doctors in the future could find a solution to cancer, they could treat cancer in her body and bring her alive!

Because her brain was preserved with all her data in her neurons.

According to the latest studies by, about 1,780 people had registered for cryonics and 199 pets were already cryopreserved!

But most of the scientists were skeptical about cryonics because cryopreserving the whole body or head is exponentially difficult.

credit: freepik

Challenges in cryonics:

The human body has over 100 types of cells.

This cell varies based on its structure and function from one organ or tissue to the next.

The chemicals which are used to prevent the freezing of cells are called cryoprotectants.

This cryoprotectant can protect one cell type and may damage everything else.

So it is currently considered as not possible.

Therefore, cryopreserving the heart's cells might work, but cryopreservation becomes exponentially difficult if you wanna preserve a body or head.

According to some of the scientists, It is possible to cool and freeze the deceased human, warming them up after curing their disease will inevitably kill them.

The problem is, we don't have the necessary technology needed to revive the people who choose cryonics.

Many scientists doubt that this technology can ever be created however cryogenics was introduced with the hopes that one-day technology will reach new limits and manage to come up with a solution that will bring the body back to life without damaging the brain.

Many hope that there will be cures to the diseases that may have caused their deaths by the time this is possible.

When is that going to happen?

No one really knows!

Some have estimated that it might be possible in the next 10 years but that's just a random number and there isn't much data to support this claim.


And now I am going to tell the other two technologies which are not researched well as cryonics.

Just know about this technology and don't take it seriously as cryonics.

In the future, we could transfer our memories(data) to computers!

Shocking right?

Yet, it is still in research.

The other technology is that, transferring the data from old people to young kids.

And this will bring the memories of the old people alive through the youth.

By this time, the old people die because of transferring their data.

These two were still in progress whereas cryonics is considered as some more advanced innovation against death.

My opinion is, live your present without worrying about your future!

Strive to achieve your goal and leave your name in this world, so people could remember you.

And then, enjoy your Death!

Here is a question for you.

Do you believe in cryonics? If yes, will you register for cryonics?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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