How Jack Ma Is Going To Change Your Life?

Jack ma

Today we are going to explore one of the biggest inspiring personalities "Jack Ma".

Here, you'll get to know about the failures, achievements and success story of Jack ma.

I've been motivated and pushed towards racing my aim by his diligence and acceptance of failures.

Let's dive right in:

Have you ever faced rejections in your life?

Of course, you would have faced at some points in your lifetime. But Jack Ma had faced extreme failures and attained extreme success in his life.

Jack ma was born on 15 October 1964 in southeastern china. 

During this period of time, China was isolated from western countries. His family background was very poor. 

He used to be lean and his physical appearance was very poor. 

As a result, he had no friends in his childhood. This was said by jack main many of his interviews. 

In 1972, American president Richard Nickson visited their place. After his visit, The tourism industry was developed. 

As a result, many tourists came there to visit their place. 

Jack ma was very fond of learning English. 

He tried to speak in English with his parents and friends. But they didn't know English well. 

Credit: Getty images

But Jack Ma used this opportunity to develop his language skills. 

At the age of 10, he used to travel 70 miles on his cycle to the tourist spots and interact as a free guide for the tourists and asked the tourists to teach him the basics of  English.

Even some of the tourists became friends of Jack Ma. His real name is Ma Yun, But one of his tourist friends gave him the name "Jack".

He had faced many failures in his school days. He had failed twice in middle and high school. 

After these extreme failures, Jack ma asked some of his villagers, about the biggest university in this world and the villagers said that the Harvard University. 

Jack ma had attempted to join Harward university 10 times and he was rejected. 

After this, he had attempted to join the universities of china and he was rejected 4 times and finally joined and completed his bachelor's degree in English on an average college. 

During his college days, he fell in love with a girl and she also loved him. 

He finally joined a local university as an English lecturer for a low salary (10 dollars) along with his wife and both of them resigned from their jobs because of low wages and to search for other jobs. 

Credit: Getty images

During this time, KFC had planned to expand its company worldwide. 

As a result, they opened a shop in China and displayed the poster to appoint the employees.

The next day 24 people attended the interview and checked them according to their specifications. 

In that interview, 23 people were selected, but only one person was left out. 

And he never gave up and attended the interview for the police job, which 5 of them attended including jack ma, 4 of them selected but jack ma was the only person who left out. 

After this extreme failure, jack ma and his cousin attended an interview in a four-star hotel, They were waiting in the queue for hours in the intense sunlight. 

In this interview, his cousin who scored low mark than jack ma was selected whereas jack ma was rejected. 

But now, he is the owner of the biggest company Alibaba and he is there second largest billionaire in China and one of the top 20 billionaires in this world. 

This, not the only failure he had faced, he had been rejected 30 times in the job interviews in his entire life.

After these 30 attempts and failures in the job interviews,.In 1995, at the age of 30,  He got a chance for going to the USA. 

And after going to the USA, became to know about the Internet. 

His friend in the USA gave him a computer and asked him to search for something on the internet.

At first, he feared operating the computer and after some time he began to search about China. 

He noticed that None of the content was available on the internet regarding china.

He was very much interested in the internet and online kinds of stuff. 

As a result, he thought to showcase all the small businesses and entrepreneurs of china on the internet.

Credit: Getty images

After returning to China, He started a new website and named it "China Pages".

The aim of jack ma is to create a website for small businesses in china by his Website.

At his time his friend said that he had received 4 emails from someone who read their website. And curiously Jack Ma asked, "What is Mail?"

His friend explained in detail about E-mail. 

He continued to run this website for several years and due to no profits gained in this business, He closed his website. 

Even now, he doesn't QUIT from his aim.

After some years, He along with his friends and family started a new company which is called "ALIBABA".

He designed this website to list the products of the exporters and this could be purchased and delivered to the Customer. 

During the first 3 years of this company, Jack Ma had never gained money. After this, his company became a hit among people. 

In October 1999, he raised funds from Goldman Sachs for about 5 million dollars. 

After this successful funding, his company raised funds from SoftBank for about 20 million dollars.

In 2005, Yahoo bought 40% of Alibaba's shares by paying them 1 billion dollars!. This is considered a success for Alibaba and a profitable investment for yahoo.

On 19 September 2014, Alibaba groups announced their IPO (Initial Public Offering). By their IPO, Alibaba raised more funds than Google. 

Ant was the largest IPO in the world. 

When they achieved this, The owner of Alibaba, Jack ma said to his employees, that they had not only gained money but also trust from the people. 

So it is their responsibility to be trustworthy to the people. 

Now Alibaba is one of the world's largest tech giants.

Credit: Getty images

The Harvard university which rejected jack ma called him to give a motivational lecture to their students. 

It is the real achievement made in his life. Am I right?

Due to his curiosity and hard work, He became one of the richest men in china. His Networth is about 44.3 billion dollars.

If we had faced this many rejections in our life, we will be quitting it. 

But the never quitting attitude of jack ma made him successful. 

When the interviewers asked about his secret of success, He replied that just plant hope in you. 

He had said that he never wanted to be in the category of Average. 

He wants to break this and move on higher.

Finally, on the 20th anniversary of Alibaba Groups celebration, He gave an emotional speech to his 60,000 employees, and the whole of Hangzhou reverberated with cheers, applause, and cries. 

And jack finally stepped down as a chairman after donning a guitar and a rockstar wig.

Credit: Getty images


A man who faced many failures in his life now had become one of the successful people in this world. 

Whenever you face rejections or failures, Think of Jack Ma and never quit in your life. 

Just believe in yourself and be honest with yourself. 

Whatever you do now, will determine the rest of your life. 

Comment your goal in the down in the comment section and come again after 20 or 30 years to check whether you had achieved it or not. 

Share this blog with your friends and family members who were rejected and faced failures in life or someone who is depressed about his life. 

Meet you in the next blog, until spread positivity and stay connected❣️

"Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine"

                                        - Jack Ma

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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