God Exists Or Not ?


All of us would have asked this question at some point in our life.

Does god really exist?

And today we are going to give a short answer to this brief question.

Everyone in the world believes that some kind of power really exists beyond human beings.

We are going to see this topic in different kinds of human perspectives.

We are going to see from the side of atheism,science,and simulation concepts.

Atlast, This historic question is going to be concluded with an interesting story of Buddha.

Personally, I had got an anwer to this question and I hope you'll get to know about the real understanding about god and possibly get to know about the answer.

Let's dive right in:

Understanding God:

Now we're going to scientifically approach the question of god's existence

This scientific approach is nothing but breaking up our question and understanding it in parts.

For eg. if someone asks you does an electron really exist?

Only if you define what an electron is in the first place you could answer the question of electron's existence.

And for defining an electron you must know the necessity for such a particle to exist.

Because it is this necessity which would tell you about electron's property

And only from this property you could experimentally measure and verify the electron's existence.

To put it simply, it's from the 200-300 years of information from chemical reaction.

We've come to the conclusion than every atom must contain a negatively charged particle.

And this is what we called an electron.

The negative charge of the electron is its property.

And it is this property which we could experimentally measure and prove the electron's existence.

Not only for electrons, the same scientific process was used in verifying the higgs boson's existence.

About 40 years back, Peter Higgs postulated about existence of higgs bosons and calculated its property of mass.

This is called as theoretical prediction.

We've been testing this theory for 40 years.

And finally in 2012, CERN discovered the existence of higgs boson.

If the higgs particle hasn't been discovered, then we should have dumped the existing theory and come up with a new one.

It doesn't matter who gave the theory or how he gave it, if it doesn't match with the experimental results it is wrong.

Science has the potential to bring the discoveries into reality.

This is the power of science.

Come let's move from god particle to god.

To know if god exist or not, we should define god in the first place.

To define god, we should first know the necessity of  god.

From this necessity we should derive the properties of god.

And finally it is this property which we could measure and verify.

If you look at the necessity of god, it has always been changing over time.

When we were hunters, we believed that god was the reason behind rain.

Then we believed that sun burns continuously because of god.

Now few people say that god is an alien.

A few others believe that there was a creator before the big bang.

Anyway there hasn't been any consistent necessity of god.

Thus we couldn't assign any particular property to god.

With no properties assigned we could never verify the existence of god.

Such a thing is often considered as meaningless by physicists.

Because we couldn't seek anything with an experimentally unverifiable theory.

Let's move onto the other parts of this healthy debate.



We'll address from the sight of atheism.

Generally atheists asks that, "how do you believe the presence of God ?"

Obviously, the common people could answer that when there is a creation there will be creator.

Atheists accept this answer and questions the people, "then who created the God?"

The God who created this world was created by whom?

And this is a valid argument by the atheism.

For this questions, satisfying answers was not given by the people.

One more claim from the atheism is that, there are approximately 4,300 religions all around the world.

And there are probably 12,000 gods were being workshipped by the people in this entire Earth.

Number of gods is greater than the count of religions!

This is a strong indication that God was created by us and not vice versa.



Science claims that big bang is the reason for the creation of the world.

In this universe, probably there are one octillian planets!

Octillion is adding 24 zeros after 1  (1000000000000000000000000)

But there are only  thousands of planets that meets 200 plus parameters which is required for sustaining the life.

Therefore, science believes that it is not an natural phenomenon that aligns these planets in the correct place to meet those criterias like the presence of sun and the distance between the planet and the sun.

According to science God has not been disproven!

Science is still struggling to find the answer.

You may ask, whether god can be in two place at the same time?

This is simply denoted by the world teleportation,  and if you want to know the answer, read the basics of teleportation here: Teleportation Is True! But It Is Different From Our Expectation!

Simulation theory:


Elon Musk says that we are under simulation.

You may ask, why are you telling this theory here?

Well this concept also has a different perspective regarding God.

According to this concept as the Science and technology had developed, humans had created this entire world under simulation!

Humans had created a game in which we humans are the characters playing in the game!

Then a question may arise in you, if we are under simulation then why we couldn't feel it?

Because none of the characters knows that they are under simulation.

Coming back to the topic, this theory of Elon musk says that there is no creator and this process of simulation is a never ending process.

This concept is a little bit tough one to understand so this will be discussed in some other day.

But try to grab those points for the better understanding.

Religion's Role:


The belief in God came from the place where you born and the religions you follow.

We humans are wired to accept some of the concepts in our religion.

But some of the people disagree with this and they are the people who doesn't believe in God.

So religions also play a key role in determining the perspective of a particular person regarding god.

Buddha's Point of view:


And finally I am going to tell the buddha's story regarding god.

One day in the morning, Buddha was sitting quietly with his devotees.

A man who believes in god asked buddha's opinion regarding the existence of god.

Buddha said that there is no god in this earth!

All of his devotees was shocked and also they were a little bit happy as they got the exact to their historical question.

On hearing this, one of his devotee announced to the village that there is no god in this world.

And also he had destroyed some of the God statues and temples.

Even though he wanted to confirm Buddha's answer once again.

He again went to Buddha and asked the same question, God exists or not?

This time Buddha said "yes"

From this story, it is clear that one cannot prove or disprove the presence of God.


No one cannot force that there is god and also there are no rights to accept God because of forcing.

If someone is worshipping the God whole heartily and realised that nothing good was happened to him or her, they will be throwing away the belief of God in a matter of seconds.

If you believe in god, there is a god in this world.

If you don't believe in god, simple there is no god in this world.

The perspectives of existence of the God depends on each one of us.

On understanding these points, I hope you have clearly understood the moral.

Don't trigger the fight because of a religion or god.

Believing or denying the god is your choice.

Don't ever force someone to believe or disbelieve God.

Besides the argument of god, one should be very clear that, the negative impact created by God is less.

But in case of Ghost, the negative impact among the people regarding Ghost is quite high, So the secrets about ghosts were debunked.

If you want to know about ghosts check out this : Secrets About Ghost Is About To Be Revealed!

Don't be curious to know the answer for this question.

Instead try to remove those unwanted superstitions from our society.

And try to do your duties to the nature as a part of humanity.

With this strong message, i'll hand over the conclusion to you.

Do you believe in god or not?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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