What Happened To Dinosaurs?


We humans had just grown in this world just 50,000 years ago.

Well, it seems to be a big number right?

But the dinosaurs had ruled the earth before 230000000 years ago.

Simply 23 crore years before!

And they were dead just 6 crore years ago.

Approximately they had lived in this world for 17 crore years.

Even today some dinosaurs are living with us!

Many of us could have a possibility to raise this dinosaur!

Shocking Right?

Well, we will discuss here the brief history of these gigantic lizards and this shocking truth of dinosaurs living with us.

While researching for my article, I've gone through some awesome facts about dinosaurs and I've written this article to share those information for you.

Try to imagine those scenes which are going to be described.

Let's dive right in:

Before 23 crore years, the world differs totally from now.

Today water separates the countries.

But, before 23 crore years, all these continents were a single landmass!

World map

During that period, dinosaurs had emerged in this vast world.

Before them, many of the mammal species had lived.

There were many kinds of dinosaurs which were small to big, like the Gulliver, even bigger than him!

You can even hold some of the dinosaur species in your hand. Some of them are that much smaller.

And some dinosaurs which could be in the height of 10-floor buildings could even crush you to the ground!

So dinosaurs had lived in different sizes and behaviours.

Some dinosaurs had lived in the groups.

The dinosaurs had a great consciousness and intelligence, similar to us.

They could even communicate among their group with a specific language!

Imagine, the communication had emerged between two creatures started 23 crore years ago!

An interesting fact is that dinosaurs had an extra feature in them. They could see over 100 types of various colors, like humans!

These dinosaurs could see some colors which are not processed by the normal human being's eye could be seen by these like the humans, dinosaurs also had a leader for a group to rule.

Some of these dinosaurs were vegetarians.

And Some others kill and eat the other creatures.

Because of evolution, the other form of dinosaurs had emerged with feathers in them.

And these types of feathery dinosaurs used their feathers to attract the opposite gender.

Like the peacock!

Dinosaurs could even adapt to many climatic conditions, by changing their body temperature according to the place!

Like we humans facing disasters like earthquakes, cyclones, storms, etc...

Dinosaurs had faced volcanic eruptions in those times.


Historians had said that a humongous volcanic eruption took place in present Maharashtra in India before 23 crore years!

Because of this disaster, many dinosaurs which had lived near the mountainous region had died.

Even though these creatures had faced and survived these hectic disasters and lived up to 17 crore years.

But, one disaster is the reason for the disappearance of these dinosaurs from this world.

A big asteroid had struck the earth in modern-day Mexico 6 crore years ago!

And this asteroid was 180 km wide!

Just imagine, what do we do when we are in that situation?

Frightening right?

The impact of this asteroid on the earth is as huge as one billion times larger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

According to the simulations, the asteroid may have broken into pieces and made some small dinosaurs stick on it.

Further, these broken pieces along with some dinosaurs had bounced back into space near mars!

It's Crazy, right? But try to imagine.


After this extreme destruction, not all the dinosaurs and creatures were dead when the asteroid struck the earth.

Because of the impact of this catastrophe which is unimaginable in history, the atmosphere was very much polluted!

This had gotten so bad that even the sunlight couldn't enter the earth for approximately one year!

Absolutely none of the plants survived because of the absence of sunlight.

And thus the herbivorous dinosaurs died.

Because of this, the carnivorous dinosaurs had no other dinosaurs to eat!

A complete collapse in the food chain had taken place before 6 crores years!

All around the world, 50% of the creatures were dead.

And you could ask me to reveal the dinosaurs which are still living with us?

Well, I'll tell you now.

Because of the absence of sunlight, the earth became much colder.

But some of these feathery dinosaurs alone had survived this condition.

These feathered dinosaurs became small in size because of evolution.

They ate some insects which survived.

After this one year of no sunlight on earth, the sun's rays had fallen to the surface.

Many insects, feathered dinosaurs, and other creatures came out of their burrows and caves.

And had hunted.

Some mammals developed and had become lions, tigers, etc...

After the ruling of these dinosaurs, mammals controlled this world.

And these feathered dinosaurs were small and as time rolled on, they flew


Those feathered dinosaurs were now evolved as birds.

Now we are having these birds in our home as pets.

But these birds had ruled this world before 6 crore years!

Comparing the DNA structure, chickens were the direct descendants which were closely related to the dinosaurs at present 

Once upon a time, those chickens (dinosaurs) were eating all the animals and ruled this entire world.

But now, we are eating those chubby chickens!

[Chicken's Mind Voice: Am I a joke to you?]

Jokes apart, analysing their bone structure, their wings, tail, claws were evolved from dinosaurs.   



At present, many kinds of research are going on about these historic creatures.

Some scientists were experimentally altering the DNA of the ostrich eggs and were trying to grow their wings into hands and feathery tails into the long tail of a lizard, etc...

But many of the researchers warn us regarding these kinds of experiments.

As it could also become a reason for the destruction of humankind.

Whatever the problems and complications, seeing a real dinosaur is more interesting right?

Jokes apart, I had narrated to you the outstanding story of these extreme creatures.

When we look back at history, we are just simple creatures with a little advanced civilization.

We are just advanced monkeys with technology!

Who knows, humanity could also disappear and some other creatures could grow higher than us in the future!

This depends on nature.

If you take care of nature, it will take care of you!

With this powerful message, I'll conclude this story.

If you have any interesting facts or some predictions about these dinosaurs, let me know down in the comment section below.

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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