Skincare routine: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing And Healthy Skin

Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Our skin is the largest organ in our boy and it should be provided more attention to maintain glowing and healthier skin.

You're going to learn the step by step guide to create a good skincare routine that makes your skin clearer and also helps to maintain healthy skin.

Probably you have many questions like Which skincare product suits me? Do the products cause harm to our skin? etc...

All your questions will be clarified by giving enough tips to build a well-structured skincare routine.

I have been following some of the routines which I am going to reveal to you and this will create a big difference in terms of skincare.

Let's dive right in.


Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Before moving in depth, We have to understand that cleansers are different from face wash!

The cleanser helps to hydrate, soothe and maintain texture in your skin whereas face wash removes the dirt from the pores deeply.

Before choosing a face cleanser, be sure that the cleanser contains retinol and salicylic acid as these ingredients help you to combat many skin problems.

If you have acne-prone or oily skin, your skin cleansers should have this retinol and salicylic acid as it helps to treat breakouts and reduces the wrinkles in your face.

As Retinoid is made up of vitamin A, it helps you to fight dull skin by removing dead skin cells and enhancing the smoothness of your skin.

How many times should I cleanse my face in a day?


You should cleanse your face once in the morning and once in the night to remove the excess oil secreted in your face and remove the impurities from your pores.

In case you have oily skin, you could cleanse your face three times a day.

Before cleansing your face, make sure that you have washed your hands. Because touching your face without washing your hands increases the chances of spreading germs in your skin.

How long should I cleanse my face?

You should probably cleanse your face for about 30-60 seconds.

Cleansing for a long time may increase the possibility of overdrying your skin which is harmful and also irritates your skin.

At least cleansing your face for 30 seconds helps the ingredients of the cleanser to get absorbed into the skin and do their job.

After cleansing your face, pat dry your face with a separate towel which should be used only for your face because the skin is more delicate than any other organ and should be given at most care.

Don't be harsh on your face, just pat dry to remove the water without harming your face.


Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Daily moisturizing your skin is a vital process in a skincare routine.

After cleansing your face, your skin will be super dry. So applying moisturizer provides more hydration to your skin.

Further moisturizing your skin helps to reduce blemishes and gives a young look.

Moisturizer should be used after bath, shave or exfoliation process.

Applying moisturizer right after a shower is good because hot water strips the natural oil produced in the skin and leaves it dry, so using a good moisturizer will help to retain moisture and provides proper hydration for your skin.

Regular use of the moisturizer is recommended and try not to skip the moisturizing process.

Use moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid and glycerin as they will soften your skin and absorb moisture from the atmosphere and make it cover your skin.

Some of the other good ingredients to be in your moisturizer





If you want a homemade moisturizer, use Shea butter as it softens and helps to smoothen your skin.

Containing anti-inflammatory properties, Shea butter helps to heal breakouts and acne spots.

If you can afford a humidifier, it will add more benefits to your skin.

Using a humidifier in the winter season will help to retain sufficient moisture levels in the environment.

Humidifiers also contribute to the overall body hydration by keeping the air hydrated.

There are many health benefits of using a humidifier, so if you could afford a humidifier, it will be beneficial for your overall health.


Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Sunscreen is one of the underrated products. But it is the most important step in maintaining a good skincare routine.

Sun is beneficial for the absorption of vitamin D but it is also the number one root cause for all skin problems and could lead to premature ageing.

Using sunscreen with the correct SPF which is determined according to your region is important.

There are four types of rays emitted from the sun:





Here, UVC and UVD cause less damage than UVA and UVB, the sunscreen is used to block those harmful UVA and UVB rays from entering your skin.

The UVB rays cause damage to your outermost skin like tanning, blemishes, rashes, sunburns etc.. whereas the UVA rays penetrate deep into your skin and may alter the DNA structure which could lead to skin cancer and other skin problems.

The sunscreen products help to reflect or absorb those UVA and UVB  rays emitted by the sun.

Physical and chemical sunscreen are the two types in which physical sunscreen is used by dry skin people which makes a reflective coating over the skin and chemical sunscreen is almost used by people of all skin types.

It is recommended to use sunscreen lotion with an SPF of at least 30. Sunscreen with SPF 30 could protect your skin by blocking 97% of the UV rays emitted by the sun.

But no sunscreen can block 100% of the sun's UV rays.

Choose the sunscreen containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide as it will be less irritating and blocks both the UVA and UVB rays.

Mexoryl SX and Avobenzone with a quantity of 3% are the other two ingredients in sunscreen that is safest to use.

Reapplying sunscreen after 3-4 hours is important.

Continue to apply sunscreen all day throughout the year.

There are no home remedies available in replacement for sunscreen, so try to afford sunscreen as soon as possible.


Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

This step is optional, but if you are serious about having clear, glowing and healthy skin then you should consider using a toner.

A toner helps to balance your skin's pH level and control sebum production.

Using a toner after face wash and before applying moisturizer is the best choice.

Toner is similar to moisturizer but the difference is toner penetrates the skin faster and provides quick hydration whereas moisturizer takes some time to blend with our skin to hydrate.

Eye cream

Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

The most attractive organ in our body is our eyes 👁️

Proper care should be given to the eye so that you look so young and also it helps to make you an attractive personality.

Using an under eye cream could reduce the wrinkles which give the old look and bring back our teen look.

I suggest you people invest in a good quality eye cream.

I saw many of the articles had given more importance for only about skincare products, but they had forgotten to cover the most important factors that help people to stay healthy both in terms of looks and contributes to overall health.

So I have given the most important things you have to consider in terms of leading a healthy skincare routine.

Supporting factors for maintaining a healthy skin

Proper hydration

Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

People say that "You must drink at least 8 glasses of water".

It is wrong.

You have to drink water when you have a feeling of thirst and your brain sends signals to drink the water.

The amount of water intake varies for everyone in this world.

Around 60-70 percent of our body is made up of water, so drinking water plays a crucial role more than skin products.

Even mild dehydration causes more dullness in your skin.

Drinking water helps to rejuvenate the cells and prevents the skin from becoming dry.

Try to avoid caffeine as it will dehydrate your body quickly. And remember to keep a large water bottle full of water which reminds you to drink water in regular intervals.

Don't be an angry bird or stressed person

As you know that becoming stressed will eventually cause a more negative impact on your skin, so you have to live stress-free.

Limit the use of technology and spend time with nature which ultimately leads to healthier skin.

Stress is common for all age groups, it is our responsibility to stop being stressed out by remembering the effects of stress that affects your skin's health.

When you start to become stressed, pimples start to pop out!

If you are more concerned about your skin, then become a stress-free person.

While speaking about stress, I had started to live stress-free by not worrying about things by calmly scheduling the work and this one habit of raising early had made my life more peaceful, if you want to know about this profound habit of rising early, then check out this: The Power of waking up at 5 am


Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Getting a good baby sleep each night will banish those dark circles and improve your skin tone.

Sleeping for 8 hours is ideal timing to get the maximum benefit out of it.

The skin repair takes place at night during sleep.

If you're not giving enough rest to your body, your skin will eventually become dull and less attractive.

Sleep prevents sagging by producing more collagen which is the reason for the elasticity in your skin.

While you're sleeping, your skin's blood flow increases and ultimately repairs the damages due to UV exposure.

Sleeping helps to attain overall health benefits and also helps to reduce wrinkles in the face.

Don't use hot water 

Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Try to use cold water or lukewarm water to wash your face.

Using water that is too hot strips off all the natural oils produced in the sebaceous glands in your face, which leads to dryness of the skin.

Switching to cold water is my suggestion.

Don't use soap on your face

Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Using soaps in your face which is formulated for your body potentially leads to the striping of all the natural oils.

Remember that the skin on our face and the skin on our body has differences in thickness.

Use the face wash which is specially designed for cleansing the face.

Eat a healthy diet

Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

If you want glowing and healthy skin, "You are what you eat" is the adage you should remember.

Following a healthy diet helps you to look younger and reveal the best version of yourself.

Eating whole grains, vegetables and fruits enriched with vitamins help to have good looking and soft skin.

Poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle erodes your overall health and makes your skin look older.

Foods that give you a healthier and glowing skin




Red grapes

Red or yellow bell pepper

Dark chocolate(Only 20 grams a day😜)


Sunflower seeds

Sweet potatoes



Green tea

Foods to be avoided to maintain a good looking skin

Dairy Products(This could cause harm for oily or acne-prone skin, not for everyone)

Fast Food

refined grains

sugary cereals



white bread


sugary beverages

foods with added sugars

Fulfil your vitamin requirements

Vitamin A: It is a necessary antioxidant that enhances your immune function. Eating 2-3 carrots a day could fill your vitamin A daily requirement.

Vitamin C: While speaking about skincare, vitamin C  plays a major role in improving the skin's texture. If you see the ingredients of the serum and some other products, they'll be adding vitamin C as their main ingredient. It is very important in terms of serving good skin. Orange, lemon, and tomato are great sources of vitamin C. Eat Any two in a day to provides vitamin C to your body.

Vitamin E: It is a fat-soluble vitamin that has the potential to reduce the damage of UV rays in your skin. Nuts are the best source of vitamin E, but some nuts like almonds may not be suitable for some people. Some nuts could cause diarrhoea for some people at first. So eat the nuts that are suitable for your body and digestive system.

Collagen production

Collagen is the protein that is responsible for the elasticity of the skin which contributes to wrinkles and sagging of the skin.

Producing more collagen could help you to get rid of wrinkles and sustain a good looking face.

To increase the production of collagen, you should avoid consuming more sugary foods, baked goods, bread and pasta.

Foods that increase collagen production


Egg whites

Citrus fruits



green vegetables 

The fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants which contribute to your overall health and also give you the best version of your skin's health.

Eat the colourful fruits and vegetables filling your plate, as it will generally cover more vitamin requirements.

In case, if you don't have access to some of the fruits and vegetables, you can invest in supplements that fulfil your daily vitamin and nutrition requirements.

But I recommend you to depend on the natural fruits and vegetables where you get the most benefit out of it.

Give a break to your skin

Skin care: Ultimate Guide To Get A Glowing  And Healthy Skin

Like you give recovery time by giving rest to your body, you have to understand that your skin needs to breathe, so leave your face without doing anything once a week.

Believe me, it creates a big difference in your beauty and health journey.

But it is hard to leave your skin as it is, as we have become product junkies. Try your best to give a break to your skin once a week.

Trust your body instead of trusting the products!


Getting glowing and healthy skin is a long term process, to stay young and have healthier skin you have to be patient to see your results.

If you had followed these steps, you would have the possibility of getting youthful skin.

In case of any discomfort experienced during this process, consult your dermatologist or doctor to know the specific solutions for your skin ailments.

Now I'd like to hear you

What is the one super-secret routine you follow to keep your skin glowing?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Other resources for more understanding

Health line:

WebMD about sunscreen:

Dermstore skincare blogs:

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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