Learn To Meditate And Control Your Monkey Mind! (Road To Spirituality And Success)


I know, most of you will be thinking of this meditation, not as a serious practice.

Personally, I am practicing this divine practise for about two years.

So I hope that I'll able to give a complete guide to you regarding Meditation from my experience.

Let's dive right in:

Nowadays, people used to practice meditation by knowing its enormous benefits from the internet.

If you have no idea about this, some of the benefits and practical ways to start your meditation will be given in further points.

Rest is important, am I right?

Have you given rest to your body which was working in the daytime?

Of course, you say that you had given enough amount of rest to your body in the night while you are sleeping.

But have you ever gave rest to your brain?

It continues to work even while you are sleeping.

It works all day long 24/7

Tell me the last time when you were just thinking about nothing is n your brain?

I know, it is difficult to answer as most of us will be thinking about something from morning to night.

But here comes meditation which has the power to make your life much more easier and comfortable.

Meditation is the practice of being fully present and thoughtless.

This is a simple explanation for this brief question.

This divine practice should be inculcated into students and working individuals because they are the people who face more stress.

If you're a student, by doing meditation you can improve your scores by calming your mind in those hectic examination days.

Workers could also get maximum benefits.

And this practice could be tried out by all the people in the world.

You have to do some service to your brain like you do to your bike or car to enhance its capability to work with immense power.

Basically, Buddhists are good practitioners of meditation.

They had been practicing this meditation for many years.

If you had a chance to speak with a Buddhist, you would be noticing that you'll have a feeling of calmness and satisfaction.

This is because of their calm attitude which was gained from the meditation.

They will not think about how much money they have, problems in their personal or business life, etc ...

They simply calm keep their mind.


It is believed that meditation was first practices by Indians four thousand years ago!

Shocking right?

Our Ancestors had a piece of scientific knowledge even in those olden days.

Due to cultural migration, this meditation had started to gain its importance among the people.

As of now, this meditation had gained more attention all over the world.

And people started to see those amazing benefits of meditation.

This is one of the simplest and inexpensive services for your body and mind.

Health Benefits Of Doing Meditation:

#1 Say Bye-Bye to Stress

Starting from kids to elder people, Stress is common among all age groups.

I don't want to explain stress in depth. 

As its effects on our body and mind are well known by many of us.

Because everyone here is stressed out in our day-to-day life.

This stress became one of our daily rituals!

Here comes the teacher Meditation that beats our stress and makes us stress to get out of our classroom(brain) because of those health conditions caused by the stress.

It is proven that this could help you to live a stress-free life when you practice mediation daily.


#2 Emotional Health:

Some of the researchers say that you could improve your emotional intelligence by doing meditation

If you are a very emotional person, then try to do Meditation regularly, and this could create a big change in your life.

Meditation helps you to stay strong even in your emotional state.


#3 Sleep Deficiency

Nearly half of the World's population is struggling to get out of Insomnia.

Insomnia is the medical condition of not being able to sleep.

Nowadays, These kinds of problems are common among people due to their poor lifestyle choices.

Even kids are also facing this due to mobile phone usage and here are the shocking truths about our mobile phone's mechanism of making people addicted to it: Your Phone Vs Your Life!

Mastering mediation helps you to have a good sleep routine and rewires your circadian rhythm to sleep and wake up at the correct time.

And this routine will help you to achieve a calm and peaceful atmosphere around you.


#4 Anti-Aging Activity:

Some researchers proved that meditation could make you look younger and may increase your lifetime.

Taking some of the cases of aids and cancer patients, some of the scientists had proven that, it had helped them to increase their lifespan a little bit.

Telomeres are the DNA - Protein Structure that protects our cells from damage and also it is responsible for our aging process.

Meditation is proved to be lengthening the telomeres and make us younger and gives a good looking face.

It's crazy, right? 

Simply thinking about nothing and focusing on your breath could help you to be more attractive and young without plastic surgery!

Anti aging

#5 Imagination and Creativity

We know that creative thoughts and our imagination process will be higher when the mind is focusing on a particular thing or it is in the rest mode.

Meditation could help you improve your creative ideas, which will help you develop your career skills.

And if you are a student, meditation should be practiced by you as it will transform your life into a good personality with high creativity and sustain good marks in your exams.

According to my experience, this divine practice will be life-changing for you.


On seeing the benefits of meditation, now let us see how to meditate?

As there are many types of meditations were available, I am going to pick a basic and highly effective meditation and that is "mindfulness with breathing analysis"


  • My personal choice is to do meditation in the morning. And this depends on your lifestyle. Morning and the night before sleeping is an ideal time for meditation.
  • Find your favorite place which should be quiet and isolated. And most probably these places should be free from other humans. You Alone should be there.
  • Keep an analog alarm or in rare cases keep your phone near you to set the timer. Basically, when we are a beginner, we consistently ponder about how much timing is left out?
  • Always start small. So set the timer for about 5 or 10 minutes. Then you could increase your time up to 20 minutes. I think it is the correct time for every one of us.
  • Try to maintain your spine straight. 
  • Close your eyes and hear the sound of silence within you.
  • Keep a half-smile on your face.
  • Slowly inhale and exhale with your nostrils.
  • At first, you can't able to stop thinking. Don't worry, it is common for all of us.
  •  If you have missed out on your Meditation sections, don't feel guilty, Consistency is the key!
  • Put all your attention on your breath.
  • Observe how the air is moving through your nostrils.
  • Observe the transition between inhalation and exhalation.
  • Thoughts might pop up, Do not judge or criticize yourself, just observe it.
  • Get your concentration back to your breath.
  • Take a few deep breaths and watch your normal breadth.
  • Then open your eyes, the whole world seems to be calm and your mind has experienced "Inner Peace"



After completing your meditation session, and the moment you own your eyes. The divine state you experience is spiritual!

Meditation isn't boring.

It is just exploring within.

Every day you come up with new observations, just be consistent!

By doing meditation daily, you'll able to control your monkey mind and focus on your goal!

Give it an honest shot, you'll attain a healthy and mental well-being state.

Share your experience about doing meditation in the comment section below. 

Meet you in the next blog, until spread positivity and stay connected❣️

Sanjay S

Hello there! I’m Sanjay, the creator of Philonoist. I decided it was time to share my love for online content creation with the everyday hustlers of the world… like YOU! You can almost always find me at local parks and quiet places writing, reading, and working on new things for philonoist. But when I have some free time, I love hanging out with my friends and being outside. Stay connected with me on, Instagram and linkedin to see what I’m up to!

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